#SelfCareSunday: Margaux Brooke

Margaux Brooke is the LA cool girl you've been looking to follow on IG. When she's not dancing around at music festivals, jet-setting to beautiful locations around the globe, or on set modeling, you can find her taking a day to decompress to keep up with her own crazy busy schedule.

We caught up with Margaux and asked her to share her ideal #SelfCareSunday with us!

Margaux Brooke

What are the 5 songs on repeat that make you feel most relaxed?

  • “Downtown” by Majical Cloudz
  • “Got To Give It Up” by Marvin Gaye
  • “Cold Love” by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
  • “Turn” by The Wombats
  • Anything by Alt J
  • Anything by Philip Glass

Margaux Brooke

Do you like to indulge alone or with others? If so, who are your ideal self-care partners in crime?

I definitely enjoy self-care alone. I love to get massages and body scrubs solo but occasionally love a spa or mani/pedi day with my girlfriends. My go-to pamper partner is Juliana Herz.

Margaux Brooke

Since it’s all about treating yourself, are there any special meals, snacks, juices or drinks you like to make?

I love a chocolate banana smoothie made with yogurt to make it a tinsy bit healthier.

Margaux Brooke

Sometimes it’s (really, really) hard to disconnect and live in the moment. Do you make an extra effort during your “me time” to unplug & if so, how?

Usually when I go the spa phones aren’t allowed so it’s nice to leave my cell in the locker and enjoy the sauna or hot tub service-free.

Margaux Brooke

What’s your favorite part of your #SelfCareSunday regimen?

My favorite part is putting on a face and hair mask, throwing on some sweats or a robe and just laying down to read a book or watch a new show on Netflix with a cup of tea! Just writing about it makes me want to go do it.

Margaux Brooke

Margaux's AM to PM #SelfcareSunday Routine

Margaux Brooke Netflix and Mask

8am: Hit snooze.

9:15am: Shower, use Dr Roebucks Byron scrub, sing various Selena Gomez songs that are stuck in my head from the day before.

9:30 am: Put on Dr Roebucks Icebergs Hydrating Mask while I brush my teeth and dry my hair, rinse off mask.

10am: Coffee run! I usually grab an horchata latte or a matcha latte with hemp milk.

11-12pm: Taking my puppy for a walk or play sesh in the park.

1pm: Answer emails, catch up on news and fashion.

6pm: Grab an early dinner with the boyfriend, somewhere that makes nice cocktails.

7pm: Walk the puppy again, throw the frisbee with him.

8-9pm: Make late-night green tea and watch Handmaid's Tale.

9:30-10pm: Shower, put on a night time serum followed by Dr Roebucks "No Worries" Hydrating Moisturizer

10-12pm: Watch a movie or read my book before going to sleep.

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